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The Studio SDK includes a powerful Template Manager, enabling you to display available templates that users can select as starting points for their projects. The Template Manager utilizes the PanelTemplates layout component, giving you full flexibility to decide how and where the templates are rendered within your application.



Customize the template-fetching logic by defining a handler using the templates.onLoad option. This handler should return an array of TemplateItem objects, representing the available templates.

The example below demonstrates how to add a button in the top-left corner of the editor to open the PanelTemplates within a dialog:

import StudioEditor from '@grapesjs/studio-sdk/react';
import '@grapesjs/studio-sdk/style';

// ...
// ...
layout: {
default: {
type: 'row',
height: '100%',
children: [
type: 'canvasSidebarTop',
sidebarTop: {
leftContainer: {
buttons: ({ items }) => [
id: 'openTemplatesButtonId',
size: 's',
icon: '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M20 14H6C3.8 14 2 15.8 2 18S3.8 22 6 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V16C22 14.9 21.1 14 20 14M6 20C4.9 20 4 19.1 4 18S4.9 16 6 16 8 16.9 8 18 7.1 20 6 20M6.3 12L13 5.3C13.8 4.5 15 4.5 15.8 5.3L18.6 8.1C19.4 8.9 19.4 10.1 18.6 10.9L17.7 12H6.3M2 13.5V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H8C9.1 2 10 2.9 10 4V5.5L2 13.5Z" /></svg>',
onClick: ({ editor }) => {
editor.runCommand('studio:layoutToggle', {
id: 'my-templates-panel',
header: false,
placer: { type: 'dialog', title: 'Choose a template for your project', size: 'l' },
layout: {
type: 'panelTemplates',
content: { itemsPerRow: 3 },
onSelect: ({ loadTemplate, template }) => {
// Load the selected template to the current project
// Close the dialog layout
editor.runCommand('studio:layoutRemove', { id: 'my-templates-panel' })
grow: true
{ type: 'sidebarRight' }
templates: {
// The onLoad can be an asyncronous function, so you can fetch templates from your API
onLoad: async () => [
id: 'template1',
name: 'Template 1',
data: {
pages: [
name: 'Home',
component: '<h1 class="title">Template 1</h1><style>.title { color: red; font-size: 10rem; text-align: center }</style>'
id: 'template2',
name: 'Template 2',
data: {
pages: [
{ component: '<h1 class="title">Template 2</h1><style>.title { color: blue; font-size: 10rem; text-align: center }</style>' }
id: 'template3',
name: 'Template 3',
data: {
pages: [
{ component: '<h1 class="title">Template 3</h1><style>.title { color: green; font-size: 10rem; text-align: center }</style>' }
id: 'template4',
name: 'Template 4',
data: {
pages: [
{ component: '<h1 class="title">Template 4</h1><style>.title { color: violet; font-size: 10rem; text-align: center }</style>' }

tip is the GrapesJS project data JSON. You can always get the current data from an existing project in Studio via editor.getProjectData().


Templates returned by the custom onLoad handler are shared across all panelTemplates instances. To have different templates in each panel, use the templates prop instead.

In this example, instead of using a button, we open the dialog when the editor loads:

import StudioEditor from '@grapesjs/studio-sdk/react';
import '@grapesjs/studio-sdk/style';

// ...
// ...
plugins: [
editor =>
editor.onReady(() => {
editor.runCommand('studio:layoutToggle', {
id: 'my-templates-panel',
header: false,
placer: { type: 'dialog', title: 'Choose a template for your project', size: 'l' },
layout: {
type: 'panelTemplates',
content: { itemsPerRow: 3 },
onSelect: ({ loadTemplate, template }) => {
editor.runCommand('studio:layoutRemove', { id: 'my-templates-panel' })
templates: {
onLoad: async () => [
id: 'template1',
name: 'Template 1',
data: {
pages: [
name: 'Home',
component: '<h1 class="title">Template 1</h1><style>.title { color: red; font-size: 10rem; text-align: center }</style>'
id: 'template2',
name: 'Template 2',
data: {
pages: [
{ component: '<h1 class="title">Template 2</h1><style>.title { color: blue; font-size: 10rem; text-align: center }</style>' }
id: 'template3',
name: 'Template 3',
data: {
pages: [
{ component: '<h1 class="title">Template 3</h1><style>.title { color: green; font-size: 10rem; text-align: center }</style>' }
id: 'template4',
name: 'Template 4',
data: {
pages: [
{ component: '<h1 class="title">Template 4</h1><style>.title { color: violet; font-size: 10rem; text-align: center }</style>' }



TemplatesConfig properties

Show properties
function Provide a custom handler for loading list of available templates to display in the templates layout panel. It should return an array of TemplateItems.
onLoad: async ({editor, fetchCommunityTemplates}) => {
const response = await fetch('TEMPLATES_URL');
const templates = await response.json();
return templates;

TemplateItem properties

Show properties
string Unique id for this template item.
string Name displayed for this template item.
"Template 1"
string A thumbnail URL for this template.
object An object containing the name of the author and optionally a link to his socials/website.
"name": "GrapesJS",
"link": ""
object GrapesJS project data that will be loaded when the user selects this template.
"pages": [
"name": "Home",
"component": "<h1 class=\"red-bg\">Red background template</h1><style>.red-bg { color: white; background: red; height: 100dvh; }</style>"


The labels of the templates panel can be translated into different languages:

import StudioEditor from '@grapesjs/studio-sdk/react';
import '@grapesjs/studio-sdk/style';

// ...
// ...
plugins: [
editor =>
editor.onReady(() => {
editor.runCommand('studio:layoutToggle', {
id: 'my-templates-panel',
header: false,
placer: { type: 'dialog', title: 'Choose a template for your project', size: 'l' },
layout: {
type: 'panelTemplates',
content: { itemsPerRow: 3 },
templates: {
// return empty array
onLoad: async () => []
i18n: {
locales: {
en: {
templates: {
notFound: 'No templates found'